Eiriksson, Thorleifur, Gudmundur Vídir Helgason og Thorleifur Agustsson. 2016. Botndýrasamfélög utan og innan þverunar í Dýrafirði. RORUM 2016 002.

Benthic animal communities were studied around the roadcrossing of Dýrafjördur in North West Iceland and compared to research on benthic communities done in 1984 and 1985, before the road crossing. The results indicate that species richness is similar but the number of individuals has incrreased. The hypothesis that changed currents around the road crossing would improve the living condition for animals is thus not verified. The hypothesis is however not rejected as the sampling stations are in similar distance from the roadcrossing and the effect of changed current could influence living condition on both sites of the road crossing.
